Linux Installation Process
Linux can be install from CD/DVD available in the market or downloaded from the iso-image of Linux distribution. But the mostly Linux is Installed by booting the system from the CD/DVD. These CDs can be purchased from various Linux vendors depending upon the requirement of the user's necessities.
Before installing Linux Server/ Desktop Operating System, you must be aware of the getting preparation before installing it There are many steps begins before installing any Linux distribution. Here are some common steps written about generic installation, which is mostly common for most of the Linux distribution.
As it is earlier mentioned that Linux is a free open source software and all the
included software charges no fee except those additional software that are
installed later. Linux is distributed under GNU (General Public License) that's
not allowed to sell the License for the Software. Linux has more than three
hundred distributions that are versatile from one another.
So the users have extra advantage to use their required Linux distribution
along with their needed additional paid software. Generally Linux is installed
from the CDs that is available in the market or can be get directly from the
various Linux vendors. Each vendor has one or more Linux distribution. You can
purchase it from them. Linux can also be installed by downloading
Linux iso-mirror image from Internet. Many times you can get some
more additional software package along with Linux by downloading it from
their FTP site.
Here we are giving some information regarding what are the common requirement
needed for installing Linux on the 9x computer. The common preparation and
procedures are:
- Planning;
- Gathering system hardware information;
- Backing up your old system (optional, but strongly recommended);
- Preparing Linux partitions;
- Deciding on a boot loader (for dual boot systems);
- Booting a Linux kernel;
- Installing the kernel;
- Choosing and installing software packages;
- Loading the software;
- Making final configuration adjustments; and
- Rebooting into a running system.
These are the common criteria being used for installing Linux.
If you are thinking to get the advantages of Linux, prepare yourself and
your system simultaneously. You have to gain the basic knowledge from the
appropriate sources and prepare your system according to your requirement. First
check list your computer hardware configuration. The minimum hardware
requirement is already mentioned in the hardware section. Try to get nearest
configuration about the recommended hardware requirement for getting best
results. For getting help, you can consult the hardware engineer or hardware
company's website.
The detail instructions are given in this website. Go through this website. For
getting detail about how to install any Linux distribution visit:
: http//
In this website You will learn the detail description about how to install Fedora Core 6. Fedora Core 6 is one of the distribution of Linux.