Description of Database Table
This section introduces you how to get the detailed information about the database table. As we all know that, table has some specific information like: field, type, null etc. But how to get all those information by the database. By using a simple query we can get all information about the table like the number of columns and rows in it, its type, whether the field is null or not, whether the column is unique or primary and much more.
Description of program:
While making this program firstly we should establish the connection with MySQL database through the JDBC driver. When the connection has been established, pass the table name in the database query and use some java methods to get the detail description of table. When the program will gets execute then it will show field name, type and null of the database table. If any field have null value then shows "YES" and if not null then shows "NO". If any problem is created at the time of query, it will show "SQL statement is not executed!".
Description of code:
DESCRIBE table_name;
This code is used to know the brief description of a database table. It
takes the name of that table of which we want to see the description.
getColumns(String cat, String sche, String tab,
String col_pat)::
This method returns ResultSet object and provides descriptions of
table. It takes four string type arguments as given below:
String cat: This is a table
catalog. It may be null value.
String sche: It shows schema
of table. It may be null value.
String tab: This is a table
name. It must require for getting the information.
String col_pat: It shows
column name pattern.
COLUMN_NAME: Shows column name
TYPE_NAME: data types of column like: integer, varchar, char etc.
COLUMN_SIZE: Column size
NULLABLE: column can be null.
Here is the code of program:
Output of program:
C:\vinod\jdbc\jdbc\jdbc-mysql>javac C:\vinod\jdbc\jdbc\jdbc-mysql>java DiscriptionTable See Description of Table Example! Enter table name: vk Field Type Null Key Default Extra id int(11) NO name char(1) YES |