JDBC Fetch

In this Tutorial we want to describe you an example from Jdbc Fetch.

JDBC Fetch

JDBC Fetch


The Tutorial describe you a code that fetch the elements from a database. In this Tutorial we want to describe you an example from Jdbc Fetch. In this program code, the System.println print the fetch data from database. The code illustrates a class Jdbc Fetch, Inside the main method we have the list of steps to be followed - 

The first step is to import a java.sql.* ,this provides you a network interface helps you in communicating between the front end Java application and the backend Loading a driver  follows the next step, by calling a class.forName ( ) with driver class passed as argument.

   DriverManger.getConnection( ) :This method return you a connection object, This method is used to built a connection between the url and database. The createStatement ( ) return you a statement object, this statement is used to execute and send SQL query in the database.

The Statement object call execute Query ( ),The method is used to fetch  the record set from employee table, that accept sql passed as an argument.

   Finally on execution the println print the element from database using getString ( )  from the record set.
  getString( ):The method return and retrieves the value of the specified column name in the current row of this  object as a String in the Java programming language.


import java.sql.*;

public class JdbcFetch {

  public static void main(String args[]) {

  Connection con = null;

  Statement st = null;

  ResultSet rs = null;

  String url = "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/";

  String db = "komal";

  String driver = "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver";

  String user = "root";

  String pass = "root";

  try {


  con = DriverManager.getConnection(url + db, user, pass);


  st = con.createStatement();

  String sql = "select * from employees";

  rs = st.executeQuery(sql);

  while (rs.next()) {

  System.out.print(rs.getString(1) + " \t");

  System.out.print(rs.getString(2) + "  \t");

  System.out.print(rs.getString(3)+ " \t");

  System.out.println(rs.getString(4) );


  catch (Exception e) {






Girish     	Tewari      	Rohini       	Indian
Komal     	Singh      	Rohini       	Indian
Sandeep     	kumar      	Rohini       	Indian
Amit     	Singh      	Rohini       	Indian
Girish     	Tewari      	Rohini       	Indian
Darshan     	Tewari      	Rohini       	Indian

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