JDBC Fetch
The Tutorial describe you a code that fetch the elements from a database. In this Tutorial we want to describe you an example from Jdbc Fetch. In this program code, the System.println print the fetch data from database. The code illustrates a class Jdbc Fetch, Inside the main method we have the list of steps to be followed -
The first step is to import a java.sql.* ,this provides you a network interface helps you in communicating between the front end Java application and the backend Loading a driver follows the next step, by calling a class.forName ( ) with driver class passed as argument.
DriverManger.getConnection( ) :This method return you a connection object, This method is used to built a connection between the url and database. The createStatement ( ) return you a statement object, this statement is used to execute and send SQL query in the database.The Statement object call execute Query ( ),The method is used to
fetch the record set from employee table, that accept sql passed as an
Finally on execution the println print the
element from database using getString ( ) from the record set.
):The method return and retrieves the value of the specified column
name in the current row of this object as a String in
the Java programming language.
Girish Tewari Rohini Indian Komal Singh Rohini Indian Sandeep kumar Rohini Indian Amit Singh Rohini Indian Girish Tewari Rohini Indian Darshan Tewari Rohini Indian |