String replaceAll() Method

In this program you will learn how to replace all the words in a String.

String replaceAll() Method

In this program you will learn how to replace all the words in a String.

String replaceAll() Method

String replaceAll() Method


In this program you will learn how to replace all the words in a String. We are going to use replaceAll() method of String class in Java. The description of the code is given below for the usage of the method.

Description of the code:

Here, you will get to know about the replaceAll() method through the following java program. In the program code given below, we have taken a String. Then we have taken another string that contains the word to be replaced with. After that we have applied replaceAll(); method to replace that word. This method will replace all the words in a string as shown in the output.

The code of the program is given below: 

public class ReplaceDemo {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
  String str = "Her name is Tamana and Tamana is a good girl.";
  String strreplace = "Sonia";
  String result = str.replaceAll("Tamana", strreplace);

Output of the program:


C:\unique>java ReplaceDemo
Her name is Sonia and Sonia is a good girl.


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