JEE 5 technology has been released to ease the development and make the coding simpler.
Overview of JEE 5 Platform
JEE 5 technology has been released to ease the development and make the coding simpler. JEE simplifies the development process through the use of Java Annotations, POJO bases programming and resource injection concepts.
Now the Java? Platform, Enterprise Edition or Java? EE for short, has been designed to reduces the cost and complexity of development and maintenance of multitier, enterprise services. Java EE applications can be developed fast and existing application can be easily enhanced to meet the business demands.
New Features In JEE 5
- Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0
EJB 3.0 is one of the most important component of JEE 5 Specification with host of new features and enhancements.
- Java Persistence API providing a POJO based persistence model
Now you can use POJO objects to persist into database, its much like hibernate and other ORM tools.
- JavaServer Faces 1.2
JavaServer Faces technology simplifies building user interfaces for JavaServer applications.
- Web Services Metadata for the Java Platform 1.0
The web services metadata specification provides a rapid and simple solution to define and develop web services.
- Java API for XML-Based Web Services (JAX-WS) 2.0
- Java Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB) 2.0
- Streaming API for XML (StAX) 1.0
- Java Web Start technology support
Standalone rich Java applications can be accessed with a single click over the network from Application Server eliminating the need of local client configurations etc.
- EL Resolution
The new EL spec allows you to chain, resolution for both variables and properties. Now the variable resolution can be chained with Spring.
- SE 5 Support
JEE supports annotations and other features of JSE.