What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which is basically a network protocol used to transfer files from one computer or host to another within a network (TCP-based network) through internet. FTP or File transfer protocol can be used for exchange and transfer of files between computer accounts, between an account and a desktop computer.

What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)?

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which is basically a network protocol used to transfer files from one computer or host to another within a network (TCP-based network) through internet. FTP or File transfer protocol can be used for exchange and transfer of files between computer accounts, between an account and a desktop computer.

What is FTP (File Transfer Protocol)

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol, which is basically a network protocol used to transfer files from one computer or host to another within a network (TCP-based network) through internet.

The first FTP client applications were command-line applications that were developed before operating systems had graphical user interfaces but are still in use with most of the operating system such as Windows, UNIX, and Linux. Since then, number of FTP clients and automation utilities has been developed for computers, serves, hardware and also for gadgets like mobile devices.

FTP or File transfer protocol can be used for exchange and transfer of files between computer accounts, between an account and a desktop computer. In addition to that, you can also access online software archives using FTP.

To initiate transfer of files with FTP, a program is used called the 'Client', which establishes a connection to the remote computer which runs the FTP 'server' software. Once the remote connection is established, the client is free to choose any file to send or receive the copy of files. To establish a successful connection to a FTP server, the client requires a username and password that has been set by the administrator of the server.

FTP works on a client-server architecture in which the server component is known as FTP daemon that is responsible for listening to the FTP requests from the remote clients. Once a request is received, the FTP sever executes the login and establishes the connection. Within the duration of the entire session, the FTP server executes any of commands sent by the FTP client.