Some Common Types of FTP Commands

In the FTP service most of the FTP clients are command-oriented and hence it is important to know some common types of FTP commands. To start with the most common basic FTP commands let us first know some abbreviations that are frequently used in the ftp commands. Some common FTP commands available on most systems.

Some Common Types of FTP Commands

In the FTP service most of the FTP clients are command-oriented and hence it is important to know some common types of FTP commands. To start with the most common basic FTP commands let us first know some abbreviations that are frequently used in the ftp commands. Some common FTP commands available on most systems.

Some Common Types of FTP Commands

In the FTP service most of the FTP clients are command-oriented and hence it is important to know some common types of FTP commands. Though, many FTP commands are different in different commands but some of the commands are same regardless of the computer or operating system. Some commands are executed without any arguments or parameters and some have optional or required specifications.

To start with the most common basic FTP commands let us first know some abbreviations that are frequently used in the ftp commands.

  • ldirname stands for local directory name
  • rdirname stands for remote directory name
  • lfilename stands for local filename
  • rfilename stands for remote filename

Some common FTP commands available on most systems include:

ascii :

ASCII mode is the default mode and by switching to the ASCII mode you can transfer text files (.txt, .doc, .asc. etc.), postscript files (.ps), BinHexed files (.hqx), and uuencoded files (.uue).


Switch the file transfer mode into binary mode to transfer binary files with extensions .zip, .tar, .Z, and .gz, executable programs, and graphics files.

bye (or quit):

The command is used to exit FTP by closing down the remote computer connection.


This command is used to change or shift the directory on the remote computer.


close command is used to abort the remote computer connection.


You can delete files using 'del' command from the remote computer.

dir (or ls):

You can view the list of available files in the current directory on the remote computer.


This is one of the most important ftp command that allows you to copy a file from the remote computer to the local computer.

hash (#):

This command shows a # symbol on the screen for every block of transferring bytes. A block is commonly 1024 or 2048 bytes, but is between 1024 and 4096 in most cases.

help (or ?):

This command helps you for how to use FTP.


Used to change the directory on the local computer.


Show the directory currently in use on the local computer. Lpwd is not available to all FTP versions.


Used to delete multiple files from the remote computer.

mget: 0

The command allows you to copy multiple files from the remote computer to the local computer.


You can create a new directory on the remote computer. 1


You can copy multiple files from the local computer to the remote computer.

open: 2

Open command is used to open connection to a remote computer.


prompt command is used to turn on or turn off file transfer prompting. 3


put command allows you to copy a file from your local computer to the remote computer.

pwd: 4

Displays the directory currently in use on the remote computer.


Remove an empty directory from the remote computer. 5


user command is used to login into the remote computer to which the user is currently connected. The username and password is required to login.