J2ME Canvas Repaint

In J2ME repaint is the method of the canvas class, and is used to repaint the entire canvas class. To define the repaint method in you midlet follow the given syntax.

J2ME Canvas Repaint

J2ME Canvas Repaint


In J2ME repaint is the method of the canvas class, and is used to repaint the entire canvas class. To define the repaint method in you midlet follow the given syntax.

public final void repaint()

Output of the repaint method example





Source Code of UsingRepaintMethod.java

import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;

public class UsingRepaintMethod extends MIDlet{
  private Display  display;
  private GameActionCanvas canvas;

  public UsingRepaintMethod(){
  display = Display.getDisplay(this);
  canvas  = new GameActionCanvas(this);

  protected void startApp(){
  display.setCurrentcanvas );

  protected void pauseApp(){ }

  protected void destroyAppboolean unconditional ){

  public void exitMIDlet(){

class GameActionCanvas extends Canvas implements CommandListener{
  private Command exit;
  private String keyValue = null;
  private UsingRepaintMethod midlet;

  public GameActionCanvas(UsingRepaintMethod midlet){
  this.midlet = midlet;

  exit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
  protected void paint(Graphics g){
  g.fillRect(00, getWidth(), getHeight());

  if (keyValue != null){
  g.drawString(keyValue, getWidth()/2, getHeight()/2
  Graphics.TOP | Graphics.HCENTER

  public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){
  if (c == exit)

  protected void keyPressed(int keyCode){
  switch (getGameAction(keyCode)){
  case FIRE:
  case UP: 
  case DOWN:
  case LEFT:
  case RIGHT:
  case GAME_A:
  case GAME_B:
  case GAME_C:
  case GAME_D:
  keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);

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