
Posing is similar to category but it works a little bit different with the category.


Dynamic Types in Objective-C


Objective-C provides many methods to work with dynamic types. With these methods programmer can check that object is of the given class or not, given method is member of the given class or not etc. Table given below describe some of these methods and their brief description.....


Method Description
-(BOOL) isKindOfClass: classObj is object a descendent or member of classObj
-(BOOL) isMemberOfClass: classObj is object a member of classObj
-(BOOL) respondsToSelector: selector does the object have a method named specifiec by the selector
+(BOOL) instancesRespondToSelector: selector does an object created by this class have the ability to respond to the specified selector
-(id) performSelector: selector invoke the specified selector on the object


FirstClass.h   FirstClass.m

@interface FirstClass:NSObject
-(void)fShow ;
+(void)classShow ;


#import "FirstClass.h"
@implementation FirstClass
   -(void)fShow {
   printf("This is first class.");
   +(void)classShow {

SecondClass.h      SecondClass.m

@interface SecondClass:
#import "SecondClass.h"
@implementation SecondClass
-(void)sShow {
   printf("This is first


#import "FirstClass.m"
#import "SecondClass.m"
#import <stdio.h>
int main() {
    FirstClass *fClassObj = [[FirstClass alloc] init];
    SecondClass *sClassObj = [[SecondClass alloc] init];
    /* some methods to work with dynamic types */
    // -(BOOL) isKindOfClass: classObj  ----------- true
     if ( [fClassObj isKindOfClass: [FirstClass class]] == YES ) {
        printf( "fClassObj is kind of FirstClass.\n" );
    // -(BOOL) isKindOfClass: classObj  ----------- false
    if ( [fClassObj isKindOfClass: [SecondClass class]] == YES ) {
        printf( "fClassObj is kind of SecondClass.\n" );
    printf( "fClassObj is not kind of SecondClass.\n" ); 
    // -(BOOL) isMemberOfClass: classObj ----------- true
     if ( [fClassObj isMemberOfClass: [FirstClass class]] == YES ) {
        printf( "fClassObj is member of FirstClass.\n" );
    // -(BOOL) isMemberOfClass: classObj ----------- false
     if ( [sClassObj isMemberOfClass: [FirstClass class]] == YES ) {
        printf( "sClassObj is member of FirstClass.\n" );
    printf( "sClassObj is not member of FirstClass.\n" );
    // -(BOOL) respondsToSelector: selector ----- true
    if ( [fClassObj respondsToSelector: @selector(fShow)] == YES ) {
        printf( "fClassObj responds to fShow method\n" );
    // -(BOOL) respondsToSelector: selector ----- false
    if ( [sClassObj respondsToSelector: @selector(fShow)] == YES ) {
        printf( "sClassObj responds to fShow method\n" );
       printf( "sClassObj does'nt respond to fShow method\n" );
    // release memory allocated for the objects
    [fClassObj release];
    [sClassObj release];
    return 0;


fClassObj is kind of FirstClass.
fClassObj is not kind of SecondClass.
fClassObj is member of FirstClass.
sClassObj is not member of FirstClass.
fClassObj responds to fShow method
sClassObj does'nt respond to fShow method

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