Class and Method declaration and definitions

Because of objective-C is the extension of ANSI-C and it follows an object oriented approach so provides classes and objects.

Class and Method declaration and definitions

Class and Method declaration and definitions


Because of objective-C is the extension of ANSI-C and it follows an object oriented approach so provides classes and objects. The way to declare and define classes and creation of object is little bit different from C and C++.
To declare a new class objective-C uses @interface directive.




Declaration of a simple class: MyClass.h

@interface ClassName:SuperClass {
     variable daclaration;
     variable daclaration;
    method declaration;
    method declaration;

@interface MyClass:NSObject{
    int a;
    int b;
    -(void) setvara : (int) x;
    -(void) setvarb : (int) y;
    -(int) add;

Definition of declared class: MyClass.m


@implementation MyClass
   -(void) setvara :(int) x{
   -(void) setvarb :(int) y{
   -(int) add{
     return a+b;

Piecing it together


int main(){
  MyClass *class = [[MyClass alloc]init];
  [class setvara : 5];
  [class setvarb : 6];
  printf("Sum is : %d",[class add]);
  [class release];
  return ;