Navigation Frame in HTML

The given Tutorial helps you to illustrate Navigation Frame in HTML.

Navigation Frame in HTML

Navigation Frame in HTML


The given Tutorial helps you to illustrate Navigation Frame in HTML. In this Tutorial we help you to understand how to make Navigation Frame in HTML.

First we create a html file name Navigation Frame .htm, The code create a list of hyper links of respective htm saved code, with second frame as target, which you want to show in your browser.





<a href = "label.htm" target="showframe">frame a</a><br>
<a href = "WorkingExperience.htm" target="showframe">frame b</a>

Another htm code is created, which use this hyperlink created in the Navigation Frame. The code show you a navigation frame contain frame a and frame b, which on click frame a and frame b hyperlink open the respective html page.

<frameset cols> : The <frameset cols> divide the entire web page  into vertical frameset.

<frame src> : The <frame src>  specifies the URL link to put into the frame.

<frameset cols ="100,*">
<frame src ="Navigation Frame.htm">
<frame src = "label.htm" name="showframe">
<frame src="WorkingExperience.htm" name="showframe">

The code is saved with .htm extension. Run it on your browser.

Output is displayed as


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