Unordered Lists

An Unordered Lists is a bulleted list of items, which enables you a customized view of a bullets. An unordered list does not have numbers.

Unordered Lists

Unordered Lists


An Unordered Lists is a bulleted list of items, which enables you a customized view of a bullets. An unordered list does not have numbers. This list can be created inside <url> tags. The names which you want to displayed are enclosed within <li>tags.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial want to describe you a code that helps you to understand Unordered Lists. In this example, the code illustrates an Unordered Lists example, The list of steps are to be carried out as follows :

 <ul> : The opening tag begins with <ul>

 <lh> :The <LH> follows, this is an optional list header (<LH>caption</LH>) 

  <li> : This is used to display list of items in it:


Now save the file with extension .html. Usually, all the browsers support html code. Now paste the path of html code into a url of your supporting browser. On execution, the code is displayed in the web browser as

In the web browser it will come out like-

  • Hi
  • Hello  


Ordered Lists

An ordered list is a bulleted list of item with numbering. It can be created by using <ol>  instead of <ul>  tags.

List of items:


In the web browser it will come out like

Definition Lists

A definition list include the definition  listed elements.

 <dl> : A definition list start with <dl> tag. 

 <dt>: This include definition-list term.

<dd>:This contains definition-list definition.

<dd> fruit</dd>
<dd>Hot drink</dd>


In the web browser it will come out like-

Hot drink


Ordered list

Definition list

Unordered list