Protected Java Keyword

protected is a keyword defined in the java programming language

Protected Java Keyword

Protected Java Keyword


protected is a keyword defined in the java programming language. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler in java programming language likewise the protected keyword indicates the following :  

--  It  is used as an access control modifier.
--  It is applicable to a class, a method or a field.  
--   protected method or a variable is only visible to the classes within the same package.
--   A protected  class, method or field are only referenced from within the class in which it is declared. 

Using a protected Keyword within a classprotected Keyword within a class


public class ClassName


protected class ClassName1;



Declaring Protected Variable

public class ClassName


protected int i;


Declaring Protected Method

public class ClassName


protected int i;

protected String Method()




