P - Java Glossary

In a computer terminology, package is a collection of the related files in the same directory.

P - Java Glossary

P - Java Glossary


  1. Java Package
    In a computer terminology, package is a collection of the related files in the same directory. Package avoids naming conflicts between the files and make possible to use them in an easier way.

  2. Polymorphism 
    In OOPs, these concepts are implemented through a class definition and achieved through the object creation process, programmatically.

  3. Private Java Keyword
    private is a keyword defined in the java programming language.

  4. Protected Java Keyword
    protected is a keyword defined in the java programming language. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler in java programming language.

  5. Public Java Keyword
    Public is a keyword defined in the java programming language. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler in java programming language.

  6. The Package  Keyword
    The package in java programming language is a keyword that is used to define a package that includes the java classes. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler. Packages in java are used to avoid naming of classes.