JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL)

JSTL is developed under the Java Community Process, in the JSR-052 expert group. The purpose of JSTL is to work towards a common and standard set of custom tags.

JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL)

JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL)


JSTL is developed under the Java Community Process, in the JSR-052 expert group. The purpose of JSTL is to work towards a common and standard set of custom tags.

It encapsulates simple tags as the common core functionality to many Web applications. It also provides a framework for integrating existing custom tags with JSTL tags. 

A tag library is a set of actions that are used within JSP pages.  It encapsulates a wide variety of functionality that can be broken down into specific functional areas. JSTL is a single taglib, which is exposed through multiple Tag Library Descriptors (TLDs) where each TLD can have its own namespace, or prefix.

