L - Java Glossary

It is written by the inventors of the java technology , The Java Language Specification, III Edition is a technical reference for the Java language

L - Java Glossary

L - Java Glossary


  1. Java Language Specification
    It is written by the inventors of the java technology, The Java Language Specification, III Edition is a technical reference for the Java  language. 


  2. Java Layout
    In java a layout manager class implements the LayoutManager interface. It is used to determine the position and size of the components within a container.


  3. Java Locale
    A locale class in java api represents a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. In java computing, locale defines a set of parameters that defines the user's language, country and any special variant preferences that the user wants to see in their user interface. 

  4. Java Logs
    Logging is the most common concern to keep in mind by the development teams. In java logging is achieved through a logger class which provides an object allowing the applications to log data without regard to the location needed to actually log the data. 

  5. Java for Linux
    First of all download JDK for the Linux (Fedora Core 3) Operating System.

  6. JSP Tag Libraries
    JSP Tag Libraries is the collection of standard tags. JSP tags are the Java components that can be used in a JSP file.

  7. Class Loader
    The Java ClassLoader is a an abstract class which extends the Object class. Java class loader is a part of the Java Runtime Environment that dynamically loads Java classes into the Java Virtual Machine.

  8. JSP Standard Tag Libraries (JSTL)
    JSTL is developed under the Java Community Process, in the JSR-052 expert group. The purpose of JSTL is to work towards a common and standard set of custom tags.

  9. The long keyword
    long is a keyword in java that is used to store 64-bit integer (Java primitive type) value. Keywords are basically reserved words which have specific meaning relevant to a compiler.