ACID : Java Glossary
ACID is the short form of the four properties
guaranteed by transactions: atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability.
Atomicity ? means a transaction must execute in atomic means
either it must excute completely or not at all. Atomicity guarantees that
operations with in a transaction follow the rules of all-or-nothing paradigm ?
either all the database updates are performed , or nothing happens is a n error
occurs at any time
Consistency ? It is a character that
must be enforced by both the transactional system as well as the application
developer. Consistency ensures about the state to be consistent of the system
after a transaction completes. Integrity is referred by by consistency of the
underlying data store. Atomicity helps in enforcing to the system for appearing
to be consistent.
Isolated ? It allows a transaction in order to execute from another process or transactions without interference. Simultaneously executing transactions are protected by transactions without having knowledge about each other since each transaction is isolated from each others.
Isolation sees each others incomplete results in order
to protect concurrently executing transactions. In order to read or writed to a
database isolation allows multiple transactions without having knowledge about
each other since each transaction is isolated from each others.