Panel layout container

Panel layout container are like HBox, VBox, canvas containers but let you add a title bar, a caption, a border also along with content area for its children.

Panel layout container

Panel layout container


Panel layout container are like HBox, VBox, canvas containers but let you add a title bar, a caption, a border also along with content area for its children. By default, panel container arranges its children vertically but you can change its layout property to horizontal or absolute also.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="" layout="absolute">

<mx:Panel x="50" y="50" title="Nature Pics" titleIcon="@Embed('assets/images/rose.jpeg')" headerHeight="30" borderColor="white" borderAlpha="1.0" width="449" height="150" backgroundColor="#FFE6FF" layout="horizontal" verticalAlign="middle">

<mx:Image width="100" height="76">



<mx:Image width="100" height="76">

<mx:source>assets/images/Blue hills.jpg</mx:source>


<mx:Image width="100" height="76">

<mx:source>assets/images/Water lilies.jpg</mx:source>


<mx:Image width="100" height="76">






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