Eclipse Plunging/Web

# GWT Designer GWT Designer is a powerful and easy to use bi-directional GUI creator that supports the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). With GWT Designer, you can use the visual designer and Java code will be generated for you.

Eclipse Plunging/Web

Eclipse Plunging/Web


  1. GWT Designer
    GWT Designer is a powerful and easy to use bi-directional GUI creator that supports the Google Web Toolkit (GWT). With GWT Designer, you can use the visual designer and Java code will be generated for you. You can easily add controls using drag-and-drop, add event handlers to your controls, change various properties of controls using a property editor and much more. You have complete freedom to change and refactor its generated code and see your changes immediately reflected in the visual designer.
  2. Easy Struts
    The Easy Struts project provides plug-ins for the Eclipse 2.0, Borland JBuilder 5, and Borland JBuilder 6 development environments to enable you to develop web applications based on the MVC design pattern provided by the Jakarta Struts framework. After receiving a large number of email, Easy Struts is now under refactoring.
  3. Struts Console
    The Struts Console is a FREE standalone Java Swing application (or IDE plugin) for developing and managing Struts-based applications. With the Struts Console you can visually edit Struts, Tiles, Validator, and JSP Tag Library configuration files.
  4. Faces Console
    The Faces Console is a FREE standalone Java Swing application (and IDE plugin) for developing and managing JavaServer Faces-based applications. With the Faces Console you can visually edit JavaServer Faces configuration files as well as JSP Tag Library files.
  5. CSS Editor
    This project aims to contribute sophisticated CSS authoring functionality to the Eclipse Platform. It implements an editor that provides enhanced support for editing CSS source files with features.
  6. Eclipse Tidy
    The Eclipse Tidy Project provides a plugin for the Eclipse IDE based on JTidy, the Java port of HTML Tidy. It can be used to format and check (X)HTML or XML.
  7. CFEclipse
    ColdFusion plugin for Eclipse Includes most of the commonly used features from DreamWeaver and Homesite and whole lot that neither of them have. The goal is to produce an IDE for CFML, not a design tool for HTML, so the design features in DreamWeaver have not been implemented.

  8. Spring Console
    The Spring Console is a FREE standalone Java Swing application for developing and managing Spring-based applications. With the Spring Console you can visually edit JavaServer Spring configuration files as well as JSP Tag Library files.

  9. ServerEclipse
    ServerEclipse is a set of plugins that provides a basic web-application development environment Eclipse 3.0. ServerEclipse provides IDE utilties (editors, code highlighting, etc) for JSP, XML, HTML, CSS and.

  10. EchoStudio
    EchoStudio extends the Eclipse Framework to bring rapid application development capability to the Echo platform. With EchoStudio, forms can be laid out visually in a WYSIWYG interface. Echo applications can be run, debugged, and tested from within the integrated development environment.

  11. Tapestry Palette
    Tapestry Palette builds upon the Spindle plugin to provide an inspector for browsing all of the Tapestry components available to a project. The plugin allows drag and drop editing of component templates, a property-sheet to edit component parameters and drag and drop addition of remote component libraries to Tapestry projects.

  12. WebScarab for Eclipse
    WebScarab for Eclipse is an extensible framework for analyzing applications that communicate using the HTTP protocol. It includes an HTTP monitor and an HTTP proxy for recording all messages between your machine and remote servers. Easily add trigger code via Eclipse plugin extensions or by scripting in Jython.

  13. CSS Designer
    JointLogic CSS Designer is an Eclipse plugin that provides CSS authoring facilities like - CSS Styles view, CSS declaration designer with preview and web-oriented color picker. It integrates with Eclipse Web Tools Platform (WTP) to allow CSS authoring while editing CSS and HTML files.

  14. EchoStudio2
     The EchoStudio2 Eclipse plug-in enables point-and-click AJAX web application development using the Echo2 framework. With EchoStudio2, forms can be created visually using a WYSIWYG interface. An application's look-and-feel can be defined using the integrated style editor.

  15. Java2Script Pacemaker
    Java2Script (J2S) Pacemaker provides an Eclipse Java to JavaScript compiler plugin and an implementation of JavaScript version of Eclipse Standard Widget Toolkit (SWT) with other common utilities, such as java.lang.

  16. Web Search
    The Web Search plugin for Eclipse allows you to search for selected text on the Web using Google, Yahoo, or Microsoft Live Search. The plugin supports text selection in output consoles and text editors.

  17. JointLogic Web Designer
    JointLogic Web Designer is an Eclipse plug-in that consists of two components - HTML Designer and CSS Designer. HTML Designer provides WYSIWYG authoring of HTML and XHTML documents and fragments with support for embedding several server-side scripting and template languages - currently Apache Velocity Template Language, PHP, Ruby and ASP. HTML Designer provides authoring facilities like Toolbox, DOM inspector and Properties view.

  18. Clear Data Builder
    Clear Data Builder plugin is a commercial version of an open source DaoFlex code generator. It takes away complexity of writing Java code for communication with relational databases. All Java and Adobe Flex artifacts are created automatically based on your SQL Select statement, including creation and deployment of the Flex FDS Web Application.

  19. ClearBI
    ClearBI is a Web reporter implemented in Flex and Java. It�s available in two versions: Professional Edition (Eclipse Plugin for developers) and Enterprise Edition (Client Business Intelligence Tool). Clear BI Professional Edition allows a software developer to create and customize a new report - sorting, grouping, formula fields - in Eclipse IDE WYSIWYG style. Then, the report can be integrated into any Flex application.

  20. Log4Fx
    Log4Fx provides a number of configurable implementations of log targets and an interactive control panel. You can target your log information to Eclipse IDE, local or remote server and other destinations.