CSS Editor
This project aims to contribute sophisticated CSS authoring functionality to the Eclipse Platform. It implements an editor that provides enhanced support for editing CSS source files, with features like:
- syntax highlighting for comments, strings, at-keywords, property names, pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements.
- content-assist on property names etc
- outline page showing at-rules and selectors in a CSS file
- selectable, pluggable CSS profiles (profiles for CSS level 1 and 2 included)
- annotation of errors and warnings while typing
- syntax highlighting in compare viewer, structured diff viewer
- many configuration options
An important goal of this project is to not only provide an editor for editing "standalone" CSS, but also reusable building blocks for integrating CSS editing support into editors for languages like HTML and XHTML, which allow embedded CSS rules. It is not the goal of this project to build some kind of WYSIWYG authoring support for CSS (at least currently).
This project targets release 3.0 of the Eclipse platform, which as of this writing is not yet released as a stable version. Milestones are available from the Eclipse.org site
Come to more detail: http://csseditor.sourceforge.net/