Toby's PL/SQL Editor
What is the PL/SQL Editor?
The PL/SQL editor is a plugin for the eclipse integrated development environment
that allows you to more easily develop and test PL/SQL code.
You can download the plugin at sourceforge.
The change log for the editor can be seen here.
If you want, you can also use the Eclipse Update capability by setting the
update site to point to
User Guide
Here is a basic user
guide (still being developed - last updated 21 February 2006).
Here is a basic faq
(still being developed).
The following is a list of features that this product either supports or will
support (helpfully divided up into those two sections).
Features Already Supported
This is the list (possibly not exhaustive, but hopefully relatively close) of the existing features.-
PL/SQL Syntax Colouring (with some colour choice available)
PL/SQL Code auto completion of other schema/package/procedure, schema/package/function, schema/package/constant within a file or database
Auto completion of built in PL/SQL functions (with documentation)
PL/SQL Code auto completion parameters within a given package's procedure or function in a file
PL/SQL Code auto completion of globally declared fields and types (within a package somewhere in the file or database)
PL/SQL Code auto completion of local variables within a given package's procedure or function in a file
Open declaration function (F3) which allows you to open the implementation of a function, procedure, field or type declared in a file somewhere
Navigate to parameter or local field in function (F3)
Generate PL/SQL Package Header from correctly documented body
Load a PL/SQL Package Header or Package Body to the database (Ctrl-Alt-L)
Execute a PL/SQL block into the database (Ctrl-Alt-E)
Pldoc documentation appears on hover
For more information: