Apatar Open Source Data Integration

The Gartner Group estimates that corporate developers spend 65 percent of their effort building bridges between applications.

Apatar Open Source Data Integration

Apatar Open Source Data Integration


For Operational Integration

The Gartner Group estimates that corporate developers spend 65 percent of their effort building bridges between applications. Migration and synchronization of data between heterogeneous systems is a challenge when it involves more then two data sources/targets, heavy transformations, legacy systems, semi- structured data, and possibly the need to maintain both old and new systems running in parallel.

Apatar difference:
Push and pull integration support: Apatar is capable to support data-, event- and service-oriented integration with the same interface. This unique capability allows enterprise customers, partners and developers to cover all integration needs: batch and near real-time integration. Productivity advantage and a short learning curve: the business-rules-driven approach is shared throughout Apatar, regardless of the data, event or service orientation of each integration mechanism. Shared, reusable metadata: with a single metadata repository, the consistency of the integration processes is guaranteed. The repository also promotes the reusability of business rules for data transformation and data validation across processes. Open source architecture. Unlike all proprietary data integration software and many open source solutions, Apatar is 100% open source with no proprietary source code.

For more information: http://www.apatar.com/