Introduction to Dojo and Tips
This tips is light towards people with some JavaScript knowledge, priestly used another JavaScript (Ajax) framework before, now have a real need to use some of the features found in dojo. In this tips, learn about the dojo and its directory structure. The purpose of this tips, for a new user learn to dojo then you need to know about the what is dojo and its directory structure. It is an Open Source JavaScript toolkit that provides a simple the Application Programming Interface for building the serious applications in less time. The functionality of Dojo to make HTTP requests and receives their responses. It also provides packages to string manipulation, DOM manipulation, drag-and-drop support and DS (Data Structures) such as lists, queues and stacks. Dojo applications are used where the JavaScript and browsers don't work far enough, in which place the dojo application gives you powerful, portable, lightweight and tested tools for creating dynamic interfaces.
The amount of functionality available in dojo, a few architectural differences compared to most other frameworks; it uses a late of function. That dojo Script always includes the package names in an object reference. IT is very nice for-each loop function, for instance, I have to refer this as {dojo.lang.forEach(listOfThings, myFunc);} instead of just {forEach(listOfThings, myFunc);}. Dojo increases readability when the debugging or the refastening things later. If you want to refer to a DOM element "dojo way", you write "dojo.byNa;" Another big change in the philosophy between the dojo and the prototype is that prototype long and glorious history of changing initial javascript objects, like that adding useful new functions to the string object. The Dojo provide resulted in the collisions on other the erratic behavior if using other JavaScript libraries for programming, If you want change or assume at functionality of the very same the function names. To using the namespaces, the dojo ensures that no the collisions occur between itself and any other JavaScript libraries on the same page. I'm going to use the dojo Application Programming Interface.