In the future analogy of modern computing the eras preceding or after the cloud technology can as well be referred with marked importance as the application of cloud storage in many ways changed our computing experience. But in conformity with this array of great changes security threats with cloud environment are also posing far grave area of concerns. In a cloud environment you are no longer to depend on your device specific data storage and you are always in touch with your relevant information from multiple devices from various locations. It sounds terrific, fluid and it is truly something that we long waited for, but not so surprisingly it equally offers a great array of threats to our information privacy and security. Especially for organizations that are more lenient in permitting their employees in accessing company network and information from multiple personal devices this question of information security is more acute. Let us now see some of the most important security threats with cloud environments.
Threat of malicious hacking into client data
If cloud service database is not designed properly to block all sorts of unsolicited or unaccounted for access to any of the clients resources, then a malicious hacking program can unlock into not only just one client's database, but the whole database as well just by getting access through one client's application. Cloud service is potentially dangerous as single flaw can make the whole database open to array of security threats.
Risk of losing Data
Cloud service is a new dimension of storage and user friendly application in the horizon and undoubtedly it comes with potential risks as it is still to find the optimized service standard. One of the common security threats with cloud environments is the risk of losing your data. It can either happen through malicious hacking program, bad server maintenance and finally natural calamities affecting the server.
Lack of knowledge concerning security protocols
The traditional information security measures and its loopholes and potential threats are already well known to let you take appropriate measures from time to time. But as most of the cloud services are new and you still do not have much of a knowledge concerning the nature of security protocols and policies, you cannot be too sure of how the environment may affect the security and privacy aspects of your stored data. You do not know how far the people maintaining the server have access to your data. For crucial data this is sensible enough, especially for enterprises.
Insecure software interfaces and APIs
One of the most common and potential area of security threats with cloud environments is the use of insecure software interfaces and APIs. In the recent time most of the security attacks carried out on cloud network have their roots in insecure software interfaces and bad APIs. Unless and until your IT admin verifies security aspects your software interface and APIs, they can be potential gateway for the malicious program to gain access to your cloud data.