Cloud computing is a newer concept in the field of Information technology that can be said to be a revolution in the field of web-services. Cloud computing is basically a concept that can be said to be a collection of set of previously used technologies that have been presented in a new way.
Cloud computing is a technology based on Internet that provides the users with software, infrastructure, platform, devices, hosting services and other resources with the use of virtually shared servers in a minimal cost.
One of the best thing about cloud computing is all the services of a digitalized system is been provided by a single service provider using a cloud computing model and its very much user friendly and hence, one can access the services even without any prior technical knowledge of resource management. This saves the time for the user and they can spend more time on other business activities instead of wasting their time in understanding the technical knowhow of resources required for running the applications.
Moreover, the users of cloud computing technology do not need to have a heavy physical infrastructure as they can rent direct usage from a third party providing cloud computing service that prevents them from assembling huge resources. The service provider itself provides most of the cloud computing infrastructure through common centers and built on servers.
In addition to that, in cloud computing the servers are not left idle unnecessarily when not in use as you have to pay for only what you use thus saving a lot of cost as well as stimulates the speed of application development too.
Cloud Computing Architecture:
Basically an effective Cloud computing architecture comprises of two basic components "the front end" and "the back end". The "the front end" part of cloud computing technology consists of the computer network of the customer or user in addition to some basic applications that are required to access the cloud computing system.
Moreover, the "back end" represents the 'cloud' itself in cloud computing system that comprises of computer, data storage systems and servers. A cluster of these clouds completes the whole cloud computing system that is further administered through a centralized server, which also takes care of the demands of the user and ensure proper and smooth functioning of system ahead of any kind of traffic. For this the cloud computing system uses a specific software called 'Middleware' that allows the computers connected with the network to communicate with each other easily. In addition to that, the cloud computing system should also have a clientele database in order to restore the service in case of any interruption due to device breakdown. Making copy of data is also called redundancy and the service providers of cloud computing system provide data redundancy.
Deployment Models of Cloud Computing System:
There are four different deployment models of cloud computing:
Public Cloud:
Also referred as External cloud, Public cloud is the conventional cloud computing system where the resources are monitored dynamically over the internet by their own or with the help of a third party.
Community Cloud:
Community cloud is basically useful in a case when various organizations possess similar requirements and willing to share the infrastructure to avail the benefits of cloud computing system. Though, a community cloud is a little expensive than the public cloud due to restricted number of users sharing the benefits, the community cloud provides higher level of privacy, security and policy compliance.
Hybrid Cloud:
Hybrid Cloud is the integration of physical hardware and the virtual cloud server at the same time. This can be described as the combination of two clouds including public or private, internal or external or a virtualized cloud server with real physical hardware in order to provide a single common service.
Private Clouds:
Private clouds are used to deploy services of cloud computing on private networks. A private cloud basically comprises of applications or virtual machines in an organisation's own set of hosts providing the company with the benefits of utility computing-shared hardware costs, the ability to recover from failure, and the ability to customize usage depending upon demand.
Advantages of Cloud Computing:
Cloud computing has emerged as one of the fast growing and highly acceptable technologies across the globe due to its various advantages over traditional computing systems. Some of the major benefits of cloud computing making it the technical likes of various organizations at present are mentioned below:
- Implementation of cloud computing reduces the capital expenditure of an organization significantly consumed in the installation and deployment various hardware and software that can be utilized in other business functions.
- In cloud computing system user is not bound to pay more than the utility. In addition to that they are free to terminate the agreement at any point of contract phase and are often covered by Service Level Agreements (SLAs) with financial penalties, thus reducing the risks and any kind of uncertainties. In addition to that, it also ensures return on investment (ROI).
- The user can access the services, data, files from anywhere through internet connectivity. There is no location barrier when one is using cloud computing system.
- Cloud computing system possesses great flexibility that ensures easy up gradation of services as per the requirement.
- Saves time for other core business activities.
- Implementation of Cloud computing provides an organization with a competitive edge.
- Cloud computing provides enhanced security in comparatively lesser expenditure with the conventional applications.
- Cloud computing system is very easy to use and maintain as it does not need the installation on each user's computer.