This page discusses - Blogger.
There are different kinds of blogs as discussed earlier. These blogs differ in the way content is delivered..
What is a blog?
So you people want to know about blogs, right? Hmm ??? well, a blog is a website in which you will find lot of stuff posted by people from all over the world on regular basis..
What is a blog?
So you people want to know about blogs, right? Hmm ??? well, a blog is a website in which you will find lot of stuff posted by people from all over the world on regular basis. ?Stuff? means food, politics, local news, books, movies, music.
Life Cycle of Java Server Faces
The article ?JSF Life Cycle? explains all the life cycle phases of JSF that is very useful for the developer who want to know when validations, conversions, and events are usually handled during the life cycle of JSF..
JBoss Tools 3 Alpha has been released
JBoss Tools 3 Alpha has been released (21 Aug 2008) .
32 GB iPhone Coming in June
New iPhone Version to be Launched in June.
Release of Jitterbit 2.0 Enterprise and Community
Release of Jitterbit 2.0 Enterprise and Community (18 Aug 2008).
New Gmail Version for iPhone from Google, New iPhone Gmail, iPhone 3.0 Gmail
New Gmail for Apple iPhone.
Car Music Streaming via iPhone Bluetooth, iphone Bluetooth Audio Streaming
Car Music Streaming via iPhone Bluetooth, iphone Bluetooth Audio Streaming.
What is ERP?
What is ERP: ERP denotes Enterprise Resource Planning that is a technique of using computer machinery to connect diverse functions like accounting, inventory control, and ....
iPhone 3.0 Update Reveals the Long Missing Bluetooth Features
Finally Apple Unlocks the Bluetooth Features on iPhone
Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF) version 1.4 is now available
Java Parallel Processing Framework (JPPF) version 1.4 is now available ? Wednesday, 20 Aug 2008.
JSF most popular web application development framework
JSF is one of the most popular web application development frameworks..
Rich Internet Applications Benefits
Rich Internet Applications provides grates benefits over html based websites..
Artifactory Maven, Artifactory 1.2.5, Maven 2 Enterprise Repository Released
Artifactory Maven, Artifactory 1.2.5, Maven 2 Enterprise Repository Released.
WingsBuilder 1.0 released
WingsBuilder 1.0 released.
What is JSP?
JSP stands for Java Server Pages is a technology from Sun that enables the Java programmers to generate HTML, XML or other types of documents to server the web client..
Creating Custom Components using JSF
JSF contains its basic set of UI components and provides an easy way of creating custom components of your own according to the need of the application..
PHP HTML forms and Post Method Code
PHP HTML forms and Post Method Code: retrieve the form data and display the input on same page..
Fring Application for Apple iPhone
New Version of Fring for iphone
Apple has developed new version of Fring that gives extra functionality for ?fringsters?. .
How to Implement ERP?
How to Implement ERP?
ERP application has been used in a wide range of business services thats why it covers most probably all enterprise business..
First Version of JSF
First Version of JSF: JSF released its first version on 11 mar 2004, then JSF 1.1 and now it has reached to the version 1.2. There are many releases of 1.1 and 1.2..
EJB 3.1 - EJB Interfaces are Optional
In EJB 3.1, now you do not need to define any interfaces for Session Beans, just like JPA Entities and Message Driven Beans..
Apache Lenya, Apache Lenya 2.0 released
Apache Lenya, Apache Lenya 2.0 released.
History of ERP
History of ERP: The phrase ERP formerly obscure systems intended to plan the use of enterprise-wide resources..
Welcome to Rose Indias Programmers Blog
Welcome to Rose India?s Programmers Blog!
ZeroTurnaround Releases JSP Weaver 1.0
James Strachan discusses how Java Business Integration can help organizations integrate their siloed, vertical applications in a standard way.
Servlet refresh page
Servlet refresh pages: In this example we'll discuss how one can refresh the page from setting the refresh attribute from a servlet..
Scope of ERP in the modern business era
Scope of ERP in the modern business era: ERP covers a wide range of business and typically it fulfills all the business demand..
Release or Stripes 1.5
Release or Stripes 1.5 (18 Aug 2008).
JSF Architecture
JSF Architecture: JSF also uses the MVC pattern. ?JSF Architecture? article at explains the architecture of a JSF application..
JSP Ajax Form
JSP Ajax Form: This example explains you how to develop a form that populates dynamically from the database though Ajax call..
Best Java Websites
Best Java Websites: Java is one of the most popular web programming language and Our list of best Java Website will help you to learn java quickly..
Java Args example
Java Args example: The args[] parameter can take any number of command line parameters. In the example we are showing how to use args[] in Java..
JSP Database Example
JSP Database Example: This example shows you how to develop JSP that connects to the database and retrieves the data from database..
Java Training and Placement
Java Training and Placement: Get better guidance for Java Training and Placement!.
What is Java FX?
What is Java FX?
The JavaFX technology is yet another set of technologies for developing Rich Internet applications and the applications for the mobile devices..
Subversion Eclipse Plugin
Subversion Eclipse Plugin: If you are using Subversion as source control tool and looking for good Subversion plugin for Eclipse IDE then you search ends here..
BSNL Broadband users - save yourself!
Bsnl Broadband continues to grow as one the most popular broadband services in India with high speed facilities of upto 2 mpbs. But a large number of users of this service are vulnerable to hacker attacks because discovering and hacking the vulnerable victims of this network is shockingly simple..
Roseindia Ajax- Roseindia Ajax tutorials
Roseindia Ajax tutorials: Complete tutorial on Ajax technology.
Struts Step by Step
Struts Step by Step: step by step tutorial on struts is grate to start programming in struts technology..
Delhi Population by District
Delhi Population by District: Are you looking for the District wise population distribution in Delhi? Here we have collected the information and presented in easy to read format.
AWT basics
AWT stands for abstract window toolkit, which is used to develop platform-independent windowing, graphics, and user-interface for the desktop application using Java technology.
Bufferedreader example
Bufferedreader example: Here we have provided the best links for Bufferedreader class examples. You can use Bufferedreader class for buffering while reading the streams..
Dateformat Example
Java Date format: The Java Dateformat class is used to format the date/time in Java applications..
Args tutorial
Args tutorial in Java Technology: Args represents the command line arguments in the Java program. .
Most Common TCP Ports
Most Common TCP Ports: Ports are basically divided into three ranges..the Common Ports, the Registered Ports, and Private Ports..
Java Programming Keywords
Java Programming Keywords: List of 48 Keywords in Java. Java is rich programming language for developing any type of applications. .
Hibernate tools update site
Hibernate tools update site: Are you looking for hibernate tools update site? Hibernate Tools is also available for the popular Eclipse plug in. .