Sigma grid -- Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid

Sigma grid -- Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid

Sigma grid -- Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid

Sigma grid -- Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid


Sigma Grid

Sigma Grid is a freely open source AJAX editable data grid, written in pure javascript for displaying and inline editing data in a scrollable and sortable table. It is a very powerful data editing software that can be easily use and integrate with development environments like PHP, ASP, .NET, JSP and RoR (Ruby on Rail). It is freely available under LGPL License to use.

The appearance of the Sigma Grid that looks like tabular data software can be controlled through a stand-alone CSS (Cascading Style Sheet). The themes of the Grid can be changed though making changes in different CSS files.

The data in the grid are changeable, can be sort, and retrieved through several different manners just by clicking on the header of the column. Sigma Grid also allows the documents to be print online. The use of Data Filter enables the user to sort data according to requirement. The tabular data can be translated into diagram without any server-side coding.

Using Sigma Grid?s data, Bar diagram, line diagram and pie diagram can be built.

Features of Sigma Grid:

CSS based themes
The look of Sigma grid is based on stand-alone CSS and any changes in style sheet can change the skin of the grid.

Event handlers & user API
The rich attributes and event handlers of Sigma Grid offer more flexibility in less coding.

Inline cell editing
Inline cell editing is possible in Sigma Grid just like in Excel Sheet. Sigma Grid equally provides the facility like Excel sheet.

Linkable grids
The grids can be linked to one to many and many to one.

Lockable header and column
This feature allows the user to lock the header and column to make it always visible despite scrolling grid.

Math formulas for cells
Like in Excel sheet, developer can set the formula instead of value in some cells of Sigma Grid.

Resizable Columns
Columns width can be changed by end user through dragging columns header.
Single selection & multi selection
Sigma grid has the ability to select non-contiguous rows. This allows for more robust manipulation of records in the Grid.

The other features include:

  • Flash chart built
  • Data filter
  • Online one-key printing
  • Paging

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