Ajax Tools
- wrapScroll
The wrapScroll is a simple class which enables you to make movable fields into your contents with little Javascript knowledge.
- Vuzit
Vuzit is a web-based software that changes the document distribution landscape by enabling universal office document viewing, security, auditing, and search that increases revenue by improving overall accessibility and usability.
- Sigma grid -- Ajax-enabled JavaScript grid
Sigma Grid is a JavaScript grid control with features: Pure javascript codes.
- Prototype Window
This javascript class allows you to add window in a HTML page. This class is based on Prototype.
- Nitobi Tree
Nitobi Tree adds a dynamic, hierarchical data view--similar to the folder view in Windows--to your web application with minimal coding and effort.
- Nitobi Grid V3
Display & edit tabular data in various web browsers(IE, Firefox & Netscape) with Ajax-powered Nitobi Grid V3. With minimal coding, Grid delivers responsive, interactive data editing in a dynamic user-interface.
- Nitobi Fisheye
Nitobi Fisheye is an Ajax-powered toolbar component featuring the fisheye magnification effect, similar to Apple OX toolbar. Using a fisheye toolbar can significantly improve the user experience by allowing users to select from long lists without sacrificing screen real estate.
- Nitobi ComboBox V3
Add cross-browser, cross-platform (PC/Mac compatible) lookup functionality to your Web applications. Nitobi ComboBox is a robust Section 508-compliant auto-completing textbox (dropdown list or lookup control) that can be bound to a recordset.
- Nitobi Callout
Nitobi Callout is a rich, skinnable tool-tip and messaging component that prompts users with real-time feedback and helpful instructions as they navigate through a web application.
- mootools
mootools is a very compact, modular, Object-Oriented javascript framework. Its unique design makes it extremely crossbrowser, easy to use, and a snap to extend with your own code.
- Lightbox JS/font>
Lightbox JS is a simple, unobtrusive script used to overlay images on the current page.
- IFrame.IN- Just Another Encode Tools
This site will help you quickly encode and obfuscate your HTML/JavaScript code many different methods.
- Elite Zebra Tables
Elite Zebra Tables will turn your static html tables and boring web pages into full fledged web applications.
- dhtmlxTree from Scand
Cross-browser JavaScript treeview with rich API, AJAX support, in-line node editing and drag-n-drop capabilities.
- DHTMLX Toolkit
DHTMLX Ajax Toolkit combines the most widely-used types of UI components: grid, treegrid, treeview, combobox, tabbar, menu, toolbar.
- dhtmlxGrid
Flexible JavaScript grid control with powerful API and Ajax support. It provides client-side solution for displaying, editing and sorting tabular data.
- dhtmlxCombo - Ajax Autocomplete Combobox
Easy configurable DHTML JavaScript combo box with Ajax support, autocomplete functionality and wide cross-browser compatibility.
- Data Generator
The Data Generator is a free, open source script written in Ajax, PHP and MySQL
- Ajax Shoutbox
YShout is a lightweight yet full-featured package that allows you to easily add a shoutbox to your website.
- AJAX Rating Bar
This is a rating bar script done with PHP and mySQL that allows users to rate things like can be done on Netflix or Amazon.
- AJAX file upload
Ever wanted to upload files (using AJAX) like in GMAIL, without reloading the page? Now you can.