Java get number of Processors

In this section, we are going to obtain the number of processors available in Java Virtual Machine.

Java get number of Processors

In this section, we are going to obtain the number of processors available in Java Virtual Machine.

Java get number of Processors

Java get number of Processors


In this section, we are going to obtain the number of processors available in Java Virtual Machine.

To display the number of processors available to a current Java Virtual Machine, we have used the method availableProcessors() of class Runtime and the method getRuntime() returns the instance of Runtime class with the java application.

Here is the code

public class GetProcessors {
    public void displayAvailableProcessors() {
      Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime();
      int numberOfProcessors = runtime.availableProcessors();
      System.out.println("Number of processors available to the Java Virtual Machine: " 
                 + numberOfProcessors);
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    new GetProcessors().displayAvailableProcessors();

Output will be displayed as:

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