XML Count Elements

Here providing you an example that counts the number of tags that are used in your XML document using the SAX parser.

XML Count Elements

XML Count Elements


Here providing you an example that counts the number of tags <Emp_Id> that are used in your XML document using the SAX parser. 

Description of program:

Developing a java program, you need a XML well-formed document. When you run this program takes a xml file and checks it. If the given file exists, again it takes a tag name. Here we apply a parameterized constructor (SAXElementCount) that contains xml file. We define a default handler that implements for all SAX events and overrides two methods like: startElement() and endDocument(). The startElement method is called by parser each time. When this method overrides the code checks the given tag and counter is increased (startTag++). At last the parser reaches the end of document, the endDocument method is called and prints total number of elements. Any error occurred, exception has been thrown. If file doesn't exist it will display a message "File not found!". 

Here is the XML File: Employee-Detail.xml

<?xml version = "1.0" ?>

<Emp_Id> E-001 </Emp_Id>
<Emp_Name> Vinod </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail>

<Emp_Id> E-002 </Emp_Id>
<Emp_Name> Amit </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail>

<Emp_Id> E-003 </Emp_Id>
<Emp_Name> Deepak </Emp_Name>
<Emp_E-mail> [email protected] </Emp_E-mail>


Here is the Java File: SAXElementCount.java

import javax.xml.parsers.*;
import org.xml.sax.*;
import org.xml.sax.helpers.*;
import java.io.*;

public class SAXElementCount{  
  int startTag = 0;
  public static String ele;
  public static void main(String args[])throws IOException {
  BufferedReader bf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
  System.out.print("Enter XML file name:");
  String xmlFile = bf.readLine();
  File file = new File(xmlFile);
  if (file.exists()){
  System.out.print("Enter XML tag name:");
  ele = bf.readLine();
  SAXElementCount tagCount = new SAXElementCount(xmlFile);
  System.out.println("File not found!");
  public SAXElementCount(String str){
  SAXParserFactory parserFact = SAXParserFactory.newInstance();
  SAXParser parser = parserFact.newSAXParser();
  DefaultHandler dHandler = new DefaultHandler(){
  public void startElement(String uri, String name, String element, 
    Attributes atri
)throws SAXException{
  if (element.equals(ele)){
  public void endDocument(){
  System.out.println("Total elements: " + startTag);
  catch (Exception e){

Download this example.

Output of program:

C:\vinod\xml>javac SAXElementCount.java

C:\vinod\xml>java SAXElementCount
Enter XML file name:Employee-Detail.xml
Enter XML tag name:Emp_Id
Total elements: 3