Creating an InlineStreamFilter

In this section, you will learn how to InlineStream Filter.

Creating an InlineStreamFilter

Creating an InlineStreamFilter


This Example shows you how to Create an InlineStream Filter. JAXP (Java API for XML Processing) is an interface which provides parsing of xml documents. There are some of the methods used in code given below for Creating a Filter:-

XMLInputFactory Factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance():-By this method we create a new instance of the factory.

XMLStreamReader reader = Factory.createXMLStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)):-Creates a new StreamReader which allows forward, read-only access to XML.

reader = factory.createFilteredReader(reader, new StreamFilter():-This method creates a filtered reader that wraps the filter around the reader.

Xml code for the program generated is:-

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- Information About Employees -->
  <Employee Id="Rose-2345">
  <name>Girish Tewari</name>
 <Doj>May 2008</Doj>
  <!-- Information about other  Employee -->  
  <Employee Id="Rose-2346">
 <name>Mahendra Singh</name>
  <Doj>May 2008</Doj>
 * @Program for creating an InlineStreamFilter.
 * Author:-RoseIndia Team
 * Date:-19-July-2008


public class InlineStreamFilter {
  public static void main(String[] argsthrows Exception {
  File xmlfile = new File("Document4.xml");
  XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
  XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader
			    (new FileInputStream(xmlfile));
  reader = factory.createFilteredReader(reader, new StreamFilter() 
  public boolean accept(XMLStreamReader reader) {
  return true;

Output of the program:-

Line number = 1

Column number = 39

System Id = null

Public Id = null

Location Uri= null

CharacterOffset = 38
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