Web Services Examples in NetBeans

In this section we will develop webservices using NetBeans IDE. NetBeans IDE is one of the advance rapid application development tools. It helps the developer to quickly develop the applications.
There are many wizards available in NetBeans for developing and testing the WebServices applications. You can develop and test the webservices very easily in the NetBeans IDE.
NetBeans Webservices examples
Let's start developing the webservices example in NetBeans IDE.
- Web Service
In this example program I will show you how you can make webservices in the Netbeans IDE. NetBeans IDE provides necessary GUI Tool to help the developers to quickly develop and deploy web services
- Java Client webservice
Here we will show you how you can develop a webservice that calculates the factorial. We will also write the code to call the webservice.
Ejb Webservice
In this tutorial I will explain you how you can develop an EJB and then expose the EJB as webservice. We will also explain how the webservices can be called from a client.
SOAP with Attachments API for Java
In this section we will develop SOAP application having a text attachment. Then it retrieves the content of the attachment file and display it on the screen .
- SOAP Header
Make a project in netbeans.In it develop an application that gives create a SOAP message along with several headers (use SOAP 1.1 here)
WSDL program
Make a project in Netbeans.Develop an Simple WSDL document in rpc/literal using NetBeans WSDL Designer.Create a operation for calculator named int add(int x, int y).
Application Using JAX-RPC
Project Requirement Make a Netbeans Web Project.In it develop a Web Service application using the JAX-RPC concept.The Web Service should have operation for interest calculation.
Security in Web Service
Develop a web service program for Square area calculation. Make this web service secured using security mechanism of “Username Authentication with Symmetric Keys.
JAX-RPC Advance Concepts
Make a web service program which can persists the records of a student in the exam table.It should use SOAP Request and SOAP Response.