Uptime refers to the amount of time a server is online, available and functioning during a given period of time. Uptime is the percentage of time that a web site is working. For example if some host has an average uptime of 99.86% it means that site will be inaccessible or unavailable for 1 hour each month.
Uptime is the measurement of the time a computer system is running. The uptime is measured in nines, which is similar to the metallic purity. For example five nine means 99.999% availability, which means that computer will inaccessible or unavailable for five minutes and fifteen second in a year and known as downtime. Downtime is the time when is not operational.
Uptime is important to not only web hosting companies, but to any person or company that has a website, because if a website is down it could hurt a personal company’s reputation as well as the reputation of the web hosting uptime guarantee. Web hosting companies strive for a 99.9% uptime, which means that there would be less then 2 minutes of downtime a day.
While looking for a website host company it is necessary for users to see the uptime facilities along with space and bandwidth. Most web hosting companies offers an uptime guarantee to promote how well their services is.