VoIP Keep Your Number
- VoIP Keep Your Existing Phone Number
Changing your phone service to Lingo VoIP phone service is easy, even better since you can keep your existing phone number. To do this, simply sign up and select the option to keep your existing phone number. Right after you place your order you can give Lingo authorization to transfer your phone number - you do it all online in just a couple of minutes. If you'd like to try out Lingo's VoIP phone service first, no problem. You can always transfer your phone number later. Transferring your phone number will take approximately 15-20 business days once you start the transfer process. When you sign up we give you a Lingo phone number in the area of your choice so that you can immediately take advantage of the Lingo VoIP service and all its great features.
- Moving Your Number to VoIP?
Over the last several years, consumers have become accustomed to retaining control of their phone numbers--specifically, being able to transfer them when switching cellular or local landline services. But the situation is less clear for relatively new Voice-over-IP services. The Federal Communications Commission has yet to decide whether and how number portability-be it to or from a landline service, a cell phone service, or another VoIP service--and other telecom regulations should apply to VoIP.
- VoIP Keep Your Current Phone Number
Local Number Portability (LNP) is the ability to transfer one's phone number from one local phone company's switch equipment to another local phone company's switch equipment. If your current phone number is a standard US phone number, we will be able to transfer it to your new VoIP service. During the number port process, we provide you a temporary number so that you can begin to use our service and all its features immediately. This way you will not need to depend on your former phone company while the port takes place. When your number is ported, your temporary phone number will automatically become inactive.
- VoIP Keep Your Number
Switch to NuFone and keep your number! Yes, you can keep your existing number, by transferring your number to your NuFone account. Most numbers will qualify for transfer to NuFone, however there are some limitations:
* You must have an active NuFone account.
* The number you wish to transfer must be within the NuFone service area.
* While cellular numbers can typically be transferred, your cellular service may be discontinued as part of the transfer process.
* If you have DSL on this number, it cannot be transferred.
- VoIP Keep Number for Life
This feature allows you to keep your actual phone number for life, as long as you have a high speed Internet connection and as long as you remain with your service provider. If you change service provider, then you have to resort to phone number portability. Say you have to move from Los Angeles to the Everglades, you can still keep your phone number thanks to this feature. It saves you the hassle of having to let your new number known to people, and of course to memorize it. Old friends calling you on your old number won't miss you.