VoIP Books
- VoIP Books Voice over IP
With a potential 90 percent reduction in phone costs, voice over data networks could offer your business substantial benefits. If you want straightforward answers to these questions, you've come to the right place. Lighting the way to IP telephony is Ken Camp's specialty, and in IP Telephony Demystified he offers the best set of tools out there for making basic get-going decisions. This chapter explores some of the standards being used and developed specifically for IP telephony. It covers H.323, SIP, SDP, Mecago/H.248 and includes a comparison of H.323 and SIP.
- Practical VoIP Using VOCAL
While many books describe the theory behind Voice over IP, only this one describes how such a phone system was actually built, and how you too can acquire the source code, install it onto a system, connect phones, and make calls. Because VOCAL is open source, you can look "under the hood" to discover how the system works, and how common problems are being worked out in the development environment.
VOCAL (the Vovida Open Communication Application Library) is an open source software project that provides call control, routing, media, policy, billing information and provisioning on a system that can range from a single box in a lab with a few test phones to a large, multi-host carrier grade network supporting hundreds of thousands of users. VOCAL is freely available from the Cisco Systems-sponsored Vovida.org community web site (www.vovida.org).
- VoIP Book Reviews
Professional VoIP books writers review the best VoIP books available on the market. Browse our Book Review section and find an impressive number of VoIP books. With a potential 90 percent reduction in phone costs, voice over data networks could offer your business substantial benefits. But how do you know if telephone over IP (Internet Protocol) suits your needs and setup? And if it does, what will it take to make it work? The classic 'read a book' still applies in this case. No matter whether you are looking for piano lessons or latest technology information, books will always be a great way to help you. And VoIP books are just what you need to learn a lot of interesting and useful things about VoIP.
- VoIP
VoIP books are a great way to learn Internet telephony fundamentals fast. With a few VoIP books in your lap (while you're at your laptop) and a Starbucks coffee in your hand, the learning will come easily. Several VoIP books are popular now, so with the help of Amazon.com, Barnes And Noble.com and some other sources we'll offer you the scoop on the latest and the greatest. The first of the VoIP books to catch our eyes is "Voice over IP Fundamentals" by Jonathan Davidson, James Peters and Brian Gracely. The average customer gives this book a 3-star review. According to the Amazon editors, "The authors do a great service for readers by breaking packet telephony into its component technologies and explaining each one carefully." The Barnes & Noble editors, on the other hand, say, "Written for both data and voice networking professionals - even those without lengthy experience - the book covers all you'll need to know to get started.
- VoIP
Books Monitor
More and more businesses today have their receive phone service through Internet instead of local phone company lines. Many businesses are also using their internal local and wide-area network infrastructure to replace legacy enterprise telephone networks. This migration to a single network carrying voice anddata is called convergence, and it's revolutionizing the world of telecommunications by slashing costs and empowering users. The technology of families driving this convergence is called VoIP, or Voice over IP. VoIP has advanced Internet-based telephony a viable solution, piquing the interest of companies small and large. The primary reason for migrating to VoIP is cost, as it equalizes the costs of long distance calls, local calls, and e-mails to fractions of a penny per use. But the real enterprise turn-on is how VoIP empowers businesses to mold and customize telecom and datacom solutions using a single, cohesive networking platform.
- Switching To VoIP
More and more businesses today have their receive phone service through Internet instead of local phone company lines. Many businesses are also using their internal local and wide-area network infrastructure to replace legacy enterprise telephone networks. This migration to a single network carrying voice and data is called convergence, and it's revolutionizing the world of telecommunications by slashing costs and empowering users. The technology of families driving this convergence is called VoIP, or Voice over IP. VoIP has advanced Internet-based telephony to a viable solution, piquing the interest of companies small and large. The primary reason for migrating to VoIP is cost, as it equalizes the costs of long distance calls, local calls, and e-mails to fractions of a penny per use. But the real enterprise turn-on is how VoIP empowers businesses to mold and customize telecom and datacom solutions using a single, cohesive networking platform.