JPA Training course

In this video tutorial you will learn JPA through our training course

JPA Training course

JPA Training course

JPA stands for Java Persistence API.  It is a programming interface based on Java Application. JPI explicates how the relational data is managed by using Java platform(Standards and Enterprise Editions) in applications.

Its Java persistence query language builds queries as opposed to entities that are stored in the relational database. Entities in Persistence are basically Java classes of which their states are persisted inside a table of relational database.

At we provide a 4-day course JPA training for an understanding on the subject. We ensure a step-wise approach to create applications with the help of Java Persistence framework. We used the recently released version of EJB 2.0 specified in Java EE 5.0. Our tutorial is exclusively for the beginners who ever wishes to build POJO based applications.

Here is the video tutorial of "JPA Training Course":

Using the most prevalent Java concepts like association, polymorphism, inheritance and composition, the persistent classes are developed.

Evidently the training is fruitful for candidates who have a mid-level knowledge in intricate Java Programming along with preferred knowledge in SWL relational database, JDBC , servlets and JSP.

Day 1:

Day 1 teaches on the basic difference with JDBC vs ORM along with an introduction to JPA. The course also accommodates JPA characteristics, JPA based architecture and Mapping etc. The Day 1 course ends with a comprehensive understanding on  JPA configuration files and on how to make a simple JPA application

Day 2:

Day 2 helps to build the first JPA application. This involves building POJO Classes along with annotations that can be used for persistence mapping. It comprehends configuration of persistence and entity manager. Other modules include transaction, updating persistent objects, and using DataSource and other connection pools and JTA. It ends with successful running of application.

Day 3 :

It will cover advanced concepts like building simple queries on JPA-QL and various kinds of EJB queries.

Day 4:

On day 4 the course ends with a further understanding on more dynamic mapping options. It also covers comprehending the simple JPA relationships and also multi entity mapping(more than 1)

You can fill out the below IT training Inquiry form and get yourself enrolled in the course.

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