Redefine property in the children Target

This example illustrates how to define the property file whether it is local or global.

Redefine property in the children Target

Redefine property in the children Target


This example illustrates how to define the property file whether it is local or global. When you create on local target, then the echo message prints that this file is Local but when the file is not created on local target, then it shows the message Global file. 

The <property name="" value="Global"/> element is used to define global file and <property name="" value="Target"/> is used to define local file. The target <target name="global-file"> is used to print the global value of file and <target name="local-file"> is used to print local value of file.


Source code of build.xml:

<project name="Properties" default="local-file" basedir=".">

  <property file=""/>

  <property name="" value="Global"/>

  <property name="" value="Target"/>

  <target name="global-file">

  <echo message="The value of is: ${}"/>


  <target name="local-file" depends="global-file">

  <echo message="The value of is: ${}"/>



Run this program - the following output will be displayed.


If any given property file which is not available on local target (code is given below).

<project name="Properties" default="local-file" basedir=".">

  <property file=""/>

  <property name="property.example" value="Global"/>
  <property name="property.example" value="Target"/>

  <target name="global-file">
  <echo message="The value of property.example is: ${property.example}"/>

  <target name="local-file" depends="global-file">
  <echo message="The value of property.example is: ${property.example}"/>


When you run this program, then the following output will be displayed.

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