Compare Java and C programming languages.
Java vs. C Language
In this section we will compare Java and C Programming languages. Both these
languages are used to develop applications to solve business problem.
Java is object oriented, platform independent programming language. It can
run on almost all the Operating Systems including windows, linux, solaris etc.
It is not necessary to compile the program for each platform.
The C is procedural programming language and it is not platform independent.
It is required to compile the program for targeted platform.
Here are brief comparison of two languages:
- Language Type
Java is Object oriented programming language while c is
procedural language
- Platform independence
Java is platform independent while c is not.
- Memory address
In C pointers are used while in java references are used.
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Java vs C
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public class DayType{
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void main(){
int a,b,
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, that is why I choosed
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