Struts 2 Resources Examples

This section just introduces about the buffer attribute of the page directive in JSP. This attribute sets the buffer size in kilobytes i.e. used by the out object to handle output generated by the JSP page on the client web browser. If you specify the bu

Struts 2 Resources Examples

Struts 2 Resources Examples


  1. Static Parameter
    In this section, we will develop a simple application to access the static parameters. We will use a JavaBean to set and get the static parameters. Each static parameter has a value.  

  2. Accessing Session Object
    In this section, we will develop a simple application to access the framework resources like the session object, session context and the last accessed session time. 

  3. Access Request and Response 
    In this section, you will learn to develop an application that accesses the request and response object in struts 2 application.