Struts 1.1 Tutorials
This page is giving tutorials on Struts 1.1. Struts 1.1 was the earlier version of Struts framework. It provides many features for the development of robust dynamic web applications.
In this section we have given the details and example code of different types of tags available in Struts 1.1.
With the help of these tags you can develop nice, highly responsive applications for your clients. Struts framework can be used to develop the applications for Intranet and Internet.
Developers are using the Struts framework for developing various kinds of enterprise applications.
- Hidden Tag <html:hidden>:
This tag facilitate an HTML <input> element of type hidden, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
- Checkbox Tag <html:checkbox>:
This tag create an HTML <input> element of type checkbox, populated from the specified value or the specified property of the bean associated with our current form.
- Img Tag<html:img>:
html:img Tag : Renders an HTML <img> element with the image at the specified URL. This tag allow dynamic generation of an image as specified attributes of this tag.
- Radio Tag <html:radio>:
html:radio Tag - This Tag renders an HTML <input> element of type radio, populated from the specified property of the bean associated with our current form.
- Rewrite Tag<html:rewrite>:
html:rewrite Tag - This tag renders a request URI based on exactly the same rules as the link tag does, but without creating the hyperlink.
- Select Tag<html:select>:
html:select Tag : Create a HTML <select> element, associated with a bean property specified by our attributes.
- Textarea Tag<html:textarea>:
html:textarea Tag -is used to create a textarea element. This tag is only valid when nested inside a form tag body.
Struts Bean Tags
- Define Tag:
bean:define Tag - is used to define a scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified bean property.
Cookie Tag:
bean:cookie Tag - is used to define scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified request cookie.
- Header Tag :
bean:header Tag - is used to define a scripting variable based on the value(s) of the specified request header.
- Include Tag:
This tag performs an internal dispatch to the specified application component (or external URL) and makes the response data available from that request as a bean of type String.
- BeanPage Tag :
This tag retrieve the value of the specified item from the page context for this page, and define it as a scripting variable.
- Parameter Tag :
This tag retrieve the value of the specified request parameter and define the attribute of type String or String[] in page scope .
- Resource Tag:
This tag retrieve the value of the specified web application resource, and make it available as either a InputStream or a String, depending on the value of the input attribute.
- Struts Tag:
This tag retrieve the value of the specified Struts internal configuration object, and define it as a scripting variable. Which is accessible as a remainder of the current page and as a attribute of page scope.