SQL AND Like Operator

The SQL AND Like Operator work with WHERE clause to find and search for a specified pattern in a column of table.

SQL AND Like Operator

SQL AND Like Operator


The SQL AND Like Operator work with WHERE clause to find and search  for a specified pattern in a column of table. The AND Like Operator help you to find and search for a specified records from a table in database based upon the AND operator condition.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrates an example from SQL AND Like Operator. In this Tutorial, the code create a Table Stu_Table using create table Statement. The insert into statement add or insert a records to the table Stu_Table. 

The Select statement retrieve the record from table Stu_Table.

Create Table Stu_Table

create table Stu_Table(Stu_Id integer(2), Stu_Name varchar(15), Stu_Class  varchar(10))

Insert data into Stu_Table

insert into Stu_Table values(1,'Komal',10)
insert into Stu_Table values(2,'Ajay',10)
insert into Stu_Table values(3,'Rakesh',10)
insert into Stu_Table values(4,'Bhanu',10)
insert into Stu_Table values(5,'Santosh',10)
insert into Stu_Table values(1,'Komal',10)


Stu_Id Stu_Name Stu_Class
1 Komal 10
2 Ajay 10
3 Rakesh 10
4 Bhanu 10
5 Santosh 10
1 Komal 10


The below  Syntax helps  you to fetch the records from the table. The Like query is used to find and search for a specified records from a table in database..

SELECT ColumnName(s)
FROM TableName
WHERE ColumnName LIKE pattern


The given below Query fetch the record from table 'Stu_Table using  WHERE clause, which restrict the records based upon the Like Query, that is used to find and search for a specific records from a table Stu_Table.

The % (wildcard) is used to specify wildcards, which indicates missing letters in the pattern before and after the pattern.

In this code, we want to select the Stu_Table begin with a stu_name "k" whose id is"1".The AND operator is used to satisfy the both condition. If the both condition is true returns you a record from table. The record display a Stu_Name begin with "k" whose id is "1".

select * from Stu_Table
where stu_name like 'k%'AND stu_id = 1


Stu_Id Stu_Name Stu_Class
1 Komal 10
1 Komal 10