MySQL Alter Tutorial, Database MySQL MySQL Crash Tutorial Tutorial

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MySQL Alter Tutorial, Database MySQL MySQL Crash Tutorial Tutorial

Mysql Alter


  1. Views in SQL
    A View is a virtual or imaginary table based on the outcome of a SELECT statement. A view include rows and columns as real table. A view include a fields is similar to one or more real tables in database. 

  2. SQL Primary Key
    The Primary Key in SQL is used to uniquely identifies each records in a database table. The Primary Key of the Table does not include NULL values.

  3. SQL Auto increment Primary Key
    SQL Auto increment Primary Key is used to allow a unique number to be generated when a new record is inserted into a table.

  4.  Mysql Alter View
    View is a virtual table, act like a table but  actually it does not contain data. The view is the outcome result set of a SELECT statement. A view include  rows and columns from one or more than one tables.

  5. Mysql add primary key
    Mysql add Primary Key is used to add primary key on the column of existing table.

  6. Mysql alter add column
    Mysql Alter Add Column is used to define the existing Table and add a new column to it.

  7. Mysql Alter Add Multiple Columns
    Mysql Alter Add Multiple Columns is used to modify the table and add multiple columns to the specified table.

  8. Mysql Alter Column Datatype
    Mysql Alter Column Datatype is used to modify the table and change the datatype of field.

  9. Mysql Alter Column
    Mysql Alter Column is used to modify table and  change the existing column field name.

  10. Mysql Alter Column Primary Key
    Mysql Alter Column Primary Key is used to modify table and redefine the Primary Key Column in a table.

  11. Mysql Alter Column Size
    Mysql Alter Column Size is used to change the data size of a column in a table.

  12. Mysql Alter Command
    Mysql Alter Command define the list of Command used for removing 'Primary key','Unique index','Delete Column','Change column' etc.

  13. Mysql Alter Drop
    Mysql Alter Drop is used to modify the table definition and delete the column from table.

  14. Mysql Alter Remove Column
    Mysql Alter Remove Column is used to redefine the table and remove the column from existing table.

  15. Mysql Alter Rename Column
    Mysql Alter Rename Column is used to modify the table definition and rename the existing column of table.

  16. Mysql Alter Rename Table
    Mysql Alter Rename Table is used to modify and change the name of existing table.

  17. Mysql Alter Table Primary Key
    Mysql Alter Table Primary Key is used to remove the primary key from the table and add primary key to the existing other column of table.

  18. Mysql Alter Multiple Columns
    Mysql Alter Multiple Columns is used to modify the table definition and rename the columns name in a table.

  19. Mysql Alter Autoincrement
    Mysql Alter Autoincrement is used to modify the definition of  existing table and add autoincrement feature property to the primary key of existing table.

  20. Mysql Alter Table
    The Tutorial illustrate an example from 'Mysql Alter Table'. To grasp this example we create a table 'employees'.

  21. Mysql Alter Column
    Mysql Alter Column is used to redefine the table and change the datatype of existing column.

  22. Mysql Alter Data Type
    Mysql  Alter Date Type is used to modify or change the Column datatype in a table.

  23. Mysql Time Range
    Mysql Time Range  is used to displays time values in 'HH:MM:SS' format, but helps you to assign values to Time columns using either strings numbers.

  24. Mysql Date Quarter
    Mysql Date Quarter is a query in SQL that is used to show Quarter date range from 1 to 4.

  25. Mysql Alter Unique Key
    Mysql Alter Unique is used to change the table structure and add unique key on specified column of a table.It allows one NULL value to be inserted in the column.

  26. Mysql Alter Table Syntax
    Mysql Alter Table is used to redefine the existing table.

  27. Mysql Alter Table Identity
    Mysql Alter Table Identity is used to change the existing structure of table and add ID column as identity key that is used to uniquely define the records in the table.

  28. Mysql Alter Not Null
    Mysql Alter Not Null is used to perform when we want records of a table have mandatory values or not to be remain Null.

  29. Mysql Alter Foreign Key
    A Foreign Key is a field that marks to the primary key of another  table. The use of the foreign key is used to ensure referential integrity of the data.

  30. Mysql Alter Constraint
    A constraint is a property in SQL assigned to a column or the set of columns in a table that prevents certain types of inconsistent data values from being placed in the column of the table.

  31. Mysql Alter Column Default
    Mysql Alter Column Default is used to modify the table and add a default column to Null.

  32. SQL Alter Table Syntax
    SQL Alter Table Syntax modifies the existing table definition.

  33. SQL Alter Database
    SQL Alter Database is used to modify the structure of existing database.

  34. SQL Alter Table
    SQL Alter Table is used to modify the existing table definition.

  35. SQL Alter Column Syntax
    SQL Alter Column Syntax modifies the existing table definition.

  36. MySQL PHP Update
    MySQL PHP Update uses mysql_update function ( ) that is used to update the records from table in the database. 

  37. MySQL PHP Query delete
    Mysql PHP Query delete is used to execute Mysql function ( ) delete query from a database table.