Mysql Table

Here, you will read the brief description about the MySQL create table.

Mysql Table

Mysql Table


  1. MySQL Create Table
    Here, you will read the brief description about the MySQL create table.
  2. Mysql Add Column Default Value
    Mysql Add Column Default Value is used to add the default value to the column.
  3. Mysql Add Column Number
    Mysql Add Column Number is used to add the column to the existing table.
  4. SQL Add Column Int
    SQL Add Column Int modifies the definition of table and add a new column to the existing table.
  5. SQL Add Column Position
    The Tutorial helps you to understand an example from 'SQL  Add Column Position' in Mysql.
  6. SQL All Tables
    SQL All Tables is used to show all the tables in database.
  7. SQL All Column Names
    SQL All Column Names is useful when you want to see the Field, Type, Null, Key etc from the table records.
  8. PHP SQL Insert Statement
    PHP SQL Insert Statement show you the message when the records are inserted successfully into table "stu''.
  9. PHP SQL Insertion
    PHP SQL Insertion is used to execute MySQL queries in PHP script. It is used to send insert query or command that adds the records to MySQL.
  10. PHP SQL Insert
    PHP SQL Insert is used to insert the record from HTML page to Mysql  database using PHP.
  11. PHP SQL Fetch
    PHP SQL Fetch is used to fetch the records from Mysql database to PHP and print in the form of array records in browser.
  12. Mysql PHP Where
    Mysql PHP Where is used to insert the records from database and print the records specified  value in PHP.
  13. Mysql PHP Select
    Mysql PHP is used to execute the select statement using mysql_query ( ) function. The function send a query or command to a MySQL connection.
  14. MySQL PHP Search
    MySQL Search is used to search and return a records from a table on the basis of condition specified in where clause.
  15. MySQL PHP Query delete
    Mysql PHP Query delete is used to execute Mysql function ( ) delete query from a database table. MySQL PHP Query is used to delete the records from the table 'MyTable' based on condition specified in Where Clause
  16. MySQL PHP Insert
    Mysql PHP Insert is used to execute the Mysql function ( ) insert queries in the PHP server side script and print the records on the browser.
  17. Mysql Table Describe
    Mysql Table Describe is used to describe the Fieldtype, Datatype, Null and Key etc of the table.
  18. MySQL Add Column
    MySQL Add Column is used to add the column to the existing table. The Alter table keyword is used to modify the table structure and add  keyword is used to add the new column  in a table.
  19. PHP SQL Table
    PHP SQL Table is used to create table in PHP. To create a table in PHP, we use Mysql_function () that include create table keyword which is used to create a table in PHP.
  20. PHP SQL Select
    PHP SQL Select is used to execute mysql select query in the php application. The PHP SQL Select uses mysql_select_db () function that set the active MySQL database.
  21. PHP SQL Search
    PHP SQL Search is used to return the records details from the table based on the search condition. The PHP SQL Search allows the user to put his search text  and choose a option from select box.
  22. PHP SQL Rows
    PHP SQL Rows is used to fetch the select the row value based on the condition specified in where clause and display it on the browser.