Backup File With Separator

Backup File With Separator in SQL is used to indicate line and record separator.

Backup File With Separator

Backup File With Separator


Backup File With Separator in SQL  is used to indicate line and record separator.

Understand with Example

The Tutorial illustrate a example from Backup File With Separator. To understand this example, we create a table 'Stu_Table' with field attribute and data type respectively.

Create Table Stu_Table





Create Table Stu_Table( Stu_Id int, Stu_Name varchar(15),Stu_Class());

Insert Data Into Stu_Table

The insert into add the records or rows values into the table 'stu_table'.

insert into stu_table values(1, 'Komal',10);
insert into stu_table values(2, 'Ajay',10);
insert into stu_table values(3, 'Santosh',10);
insert into stu_table values(4, 'Rakesh',10);
insert into stu_table values(5, 'Bhau',10);
insert into stu_table values(1, 'aaa',11);
insert into stu_table values(2, 'bbb',11);
insert into stu_table values(3, 'ccc',11);
insert into stu_table values(4, 'ddd',11);
insert into stu_table values(5, 'eee',11);
insert into stu_table values(1, 'iii',12);
insert into stu_table values(2, 'jjj',12);
insert into stu_table values(3, 'kkk',12);
insert into stu_table values(4, 'lll',12);
insert into stu_table values(5, 'mmm',12);


| Stu_Id | Stu_Name | Stu_Class |
| 1      | Komal    | 10        |
| 2      | Ajay     | 10        |
| 3      | Santosh  | 10        |
| 4      | Rakesh   | 10        |
| 5      | Bhau     | 10        |
| 1      | aaa      | 11        |
| 2      | bbb      | 11        |
| 3      | ccc      | 11        |
| 4      | ddd      | 11        |
| 5      | eee      | 11        |
| 1      | iii      | 12        |
| 2      | jjj      | 12        |
| 3      | kkk      | 12        |
| 4      | lll      | 12        |
| 5      | mmm      | 12        |

Backup query 

The Backup query is used to copies the records or rows from table 'stu_table' into text file 'abc' that indicates line and records separator.

select * into outfile 'c:/abc.txt'
from stu_table;

Backup successful ....