Twitter Social Media Marketing
Twitter is a social networking website used for sending and receiving messages. These messages are called tweets. Well, that's what you would say if are asked to define Twitter. Twitter on the other hand, is much more than that. What makes twitter different than any other kind of social networking is that it not only enables you to keep track of what your friends have been up to lately, but it also gives you an opportunity to receive updates from certain influential people whom you don't now at a personal level. Those people can be big business players.
'Following' (in Twitter's lingo) those high profile business players on Twitter, you are able to connect to them in a way that you can make them aware of your presence in the market. Tweeting, offering some interesting links, posting updates that relate to your company's line of business or posting your thoughts that can lead to a conversation. So instead of making cold calls, which are anyway ignored, one can start by building a contact and then offer services.
But that's not the only way Twitter can take forward your business. Your company launches a product and you would love to get a first hand feedback from the general public or the buyers of that product. That's where Twitter as a medium comes into play. Being on Twitter, you can pass off important information about your company and its products so that it helps your followers get a clear picture on what the company is all about and what as customers they can look forward to in the products launched by your firm.
How it proves to be such a big asset that the customers don't just read that information, but they can enquire about the product by asking some specific questions. This gives your marketing that personal touch which goes a long way in building a trust with the customers.