Social Network Applications – Get Connected To The World
With the advances in technology new crazes are always afoot, especially when it involves people, instant expressions of feelings and getting connected to the world. Social networking has taken the world by storm and there are dozens of popular applications around, most of which is only fully user friendly if you are on a desktop computer. With mobile social networking applications, the face of staying connected as we know it is changing drastically. There are endless advantages that come with these programs.
Stay in touch with friends around the world
I you look at the people you knew 5 years ago you will realize that most of them were from your area and they were people you ran into regularly. These days, people are friends with other people from all over the world. It is the Internet that has made this possible, and with social networking applications on your mobile phone, you too can get connected with people from all countries. You will be able to see what they get up to and what life is like on the other side. More importantly you will get to expand your social network at the touch of a button.
Share your feelings as they happen
When social networking was limited to your desktop computer you would have to wait until you got home to update your mood, status or chat to people. With social network applications on your mobile you are able to update your status whenever you want to no matter where you are. You can share news as it happens and chat to people when you want. This is perfect if you are talking to somebody in an entire different time zone.
Instant messaging
Most of the world has forgotten the days when people actually wrote letters in order to communicate. These days, all the mail you will see piling up is for your bills. With instant messaging the people you chat with you can get your messages in real time. This is a convenient way to communicate because you can chat to multiple people at the same time. This is better than speaking on the phone, which would otherwise have racked up your phone bill.
Video calling
Calls don’t just involve two or more voices over the phone anymore. Now, you can see the people you speak to with video calling. Several mobile social networking applications give you the ability to do so at a fraction of the cost. This is perfect if you want to keep in contact with your closest friends who you aren’t able to see anytime soon.
Upload pictures, videos and music
Aside from having instant contact to your friends and being able to share your feelings, you can also share a bit of your life. You can upload pictures for people to see and to make your profile a little more alive. One of the greatest things is you can take a picture with your mobile and upload it directly onto your profile, capturing moment as they happen, so you won’t have to hassle with it later on. In the same way you can also upload videos you have taken or links to interesting videos. To take it a step further you can also upload music onto your profile so other people can see what you enjoy listening to and you can listen to it when you are online as well.
These are just some of the ins and outs of mobile social networking applications and the various ways you can use them. It is up to you to enjoy it and remember to use it safely and responsibly.
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