Downloading and Installing Apache Geronimo Application Server

In this section we will download and install Apache Geronimo Application Server on our development environment. The Apache Geronimo Application Server comes in the zip and tar file format. Its very easy to install it on your development or production mach

Downloading and Installing Apache Geronimo Application Server

Downloading and Installing Apache Geronimo Application Server


In this section we will download and install Apache Geronimo Application Server on our development environment. The Apache Geronimo Application Server comes in the zip and tar file format. Its very easy to install it on your development or production machine.


Apache Geronimo v2.1 is Java EE 5 Certified application server and it requires J2SE 1.5 or above to run. So, you download the latest version of JDK and install on your computer. Please check our tutorial downloading and installing java for more information.

Downloading Apache Geronimo Application Server
The latest version of Apache Geronimo Application server can be downloaded from its official site at 

There are three types of downloads available at the website:

  • Binary release
    Binary release is available in the .tar or .zip file format. These files are contains the default setting of the server and its easy to run. In this tutorial we will download the .zip file.
  • Installer package
    This contains the executable JAR file for easy installation of the application. Installer asks for the server port, administrator user/password etc. and installs the server.
  • Source code
    If you planning to compile and assemble the server yourself then this version is for you. It contains the source code of the application server.

To download the server visit the official site at and click on the "Apache Geronimo v2.1 Release" to go to the download page as shown below:

The binary release is comes in two different configurations, one with Tomcat and other with Jetty containers:

  • Jetty Web Container
  • Tomcat Web Container

Click on the "Geronimo 2.1 with Tomcat 6 (zip)" link to download the Apache Geronimo 2.1 with Tomcat 6 and save the file on your computer.

Installing Apache Geronimo 2.1

Installing the Apache Geronimo 2.1  application is a very easy process. Just extract it to the c:\ (On windows system) and /opt/Geronimo (on Linux system) directory.

Here is the screen shot of the directories created after extracting the Apache Geronimo application server installable( file:


Running Apache Geronimo Application Server

Go to the directory "C:\geronimo-tomcat6-javaee5-2.1\bin" ( in case of windows) and double click on "startup.bat" file. This script file will start the server. Your server should show the following output on the console:

Booting Geronimo Kernel (in Java 1.6.0_03)...
Module 1/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/j2ee-security/2.1/car
started in 1.968s
Module 2/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/rmi-naming/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 3/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/j2ee-system/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 4/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/jee-specs/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 5/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/transformer-agent/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 6/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/server-security-config/2.1/car
started in .093s
Module 7/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/plugin/2.1/car
started in .187s
Module 8/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/xmlbeans/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 9/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/myfaces-deployer/2.1/car
started in 1.000s
Module 10/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/myfaces/2.1/car
started in .094s
Module 11/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-server/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 12/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/j2ee-deployer/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 13/64 org.apache.geronimo.framework/geronimo-gbean-deployer/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 14/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/activemq-ra/2.1/car
started in 15.609s
Module 15/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/activemq-broker/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 16/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/system-database/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 17/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/transaction/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 18/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/uddi-tomcat/2.1/car
started in 7.406s
Module 19/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 20/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/webservices-common/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 21/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb/2.1/car
started in 1.578s
Module 22/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/openjpa/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 23/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/jasper/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 24/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/tomcat6/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 25/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/connector-deployer/2.1/car
started in .187s
Module 26/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 27/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/jasper-deployer/2.1/car
started in .031s
Module 28/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/remote-deploy-tomcat/2.1/car
started in .656s
Module 29/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2-ejb-deployer/2.1/car
started in .375s
Module 30/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/jaxws-ejb-deployer/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 31/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/jaxws-deployer/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 32/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/openejb-deployer/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 33/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2-deployer/2.1/car
started in .078s
Module 34/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/axis2-ejb/2.1/car
started in .000s
Module 35/64 org.apache.geronimo.configs/ca-helper-tomcat/2.1/car
started in .188s
Module 36/64 org.apache.geronimo.plugins/agent/2.1/car

To test the server type http://localhost:8080/ into the browser, your browser should look like following screen shot:

In the next section we will deploy a simple hello world application on the server.