Listing Directory using Regular expression
This Example describe the way how to list the directory by using Regularexpression.The steps involved in replacing a String are described below:File directorypath = new File("/home/girish/Desktop/Linux"):-it is the path where my directory is stored.Before running this example create your own directory and give the path of the directory.
String[] list:-Creates an array named list.
list = directorypath.list():-This method returns array of string including the files and directories in the directory followed by this abstract pathname.
list = directorypath.list(new DirFilter(args[0])):-This method returns array of string including the files and directories in the directory followed by this abstract pathname that suits the specified filter.
public boolean accept(File directorypath, String name):-This method is for testing if a specified file should be included in a file list.
pattern = Pattern.compile(regex):-This method compiles the regular expression into a pattern.
Output of the program:-
linux.doc new file~ song new file Xmlroseindia.odt |
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