Technology What is?

Technology What is?

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Technology What is?
Tutorial What is HFC?
HFC means Hybrid Fiber Coax, a kind cable on which data are transmitted. In HFC the data flows over both coaxial and fiber optic cables in both the form traditional and modern. In traditional transmission, the data are being transmitted in letter and numb View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is HDCP?
High-Bandwidth Digital-Content Protection (HDCP) is a device used for protecting the original content while transferring the content from a computer, satellite television receiver, or DVD player to the television screen or computer monitor. View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is GHz?
Gigahertz is generally known as GHz in it?s abbreviated form. Hertz is the standard unit of measuring frequency and Giga is it?s multiplier of 1 billion times. So Gigahertz means one billions of cycles/ periods per second. View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is EII?
The term EII means Enterprise Information Integration, a business term that works to copying the data as well as to creating reports having mix up of live and static data of the company. View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is EAI?
EAI stands for Enterprise Application Integration. EAI works for merging the various project application into a common programming package that can be access on a single firm operating machine which enhance the functionality and performance of the compa View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is D2D?
D2D stands for disk-to-disk technique that is an effective and superior method of backing up the data by utilizing hard disks as the storage medium. This technology is very useful for the companies as these can back up the lost data when the hard disk c View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is CICS?
CICS stands for Customer Information Control System that is a very powerful transaction processing system. It is most widely used by financial institutions, colleges and universities, airline reservation systems, insurance companies, ATM systems, as well View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is BPEL?
BPEL, the acronyms of Business Process Execution Language is also an XML-based language like EAI the other business software. It is used for calculating the big and small data. BPEL is more specific and target oriented rather than EAI. BPEL is not deve View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is ASCII?
ASCII, the abbreviation of the American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a standard built-in-binary code for representing characters in most of the computers that can be displayed on the computer screen. It was only developed for communicat View Rating

Technology What is?
Tutorial What is BIOS?
A BIOS (Basic Input/Output System) is an electronic set of instructions stored in EPROM and used by the CPU to perform start-up procedures when the computer is turned on. It is located on the chip inside of the computer and is designed in such a way th View Rating
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