PHP Tutorials Directory. The PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is a programming language that allows web developers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. PHP is basically used for developing web based software applications.Find examples and free PHP example code.

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Tutorial Php Sql Query Insert
This example illustrates how to execute insert query with values in php application. View Rating

Tutorial PHP SQL Inner Join
This Example illustrates how to use the inner join clause in the sql query. The inner join return rows when there is at least one match in both tables. View Rating

Tutorial PHP SQL IF Statement
This example illustrates how to use the 'if' statement when accessing the data from mysql database table in php.  View Rating

Tutorial Sql Examples using php code
In this tutorial we discuss many examples of sql statements using php code. View Rating

Tutorial PHP E-Mail
E-Mail is an abbreviation of Electronic Mail, it is a method of passing, exchanging of thoughts. View Rating

Tutorial ZF Change The Layout
In this tutorial we will study how to set or customize the default look and feel of the web pages developed by ZF. How to create and use the layout.phtml file etc are discussed in this current tutorial. View Rating

Tutorial ZF Transfer Control
This is a very common activity in web site development that we need to transfer controls from one page to another. In this tutorial we will do the same. View Rating

Tutorial ZF Hello World
In this tutorial we will learn how to display "Hello World" in ZF, though it sounds quite easy but this is the first step towards learning any language. View Rating

Tutorial Zend FrameWork Part-5
In this tutorial we will study about Zend Framwork 1.10 of PHP, the configuration, how to set this framework, database design of the project etc. are discussed in this tutorial. In next page we will discuss on the bootstrapping and other configuration files. View Rating
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